Scientist at the Institute of Chemical Science have developed a new way to observe molecules, with the particular interest being in how they react upon collision and how the energy is distributed. Sine molecules have to be in very close proximity to each other for bonds and reactions to happen, collision and the effects thereof are critical to understand. Scientist were specifically interested in molecular beams, which are found in jets of different gases, and they used lasars to guide molecules in specific directions.

Key Takeaways:

  • A groundbreaking work on events that happen after molecular collisions and subsequent energy distribution has been carried out.
  • The experiment was performed on molecules in jets of gases that are called molecular beams.
  • The results of this research will help to understand how to predict and control what happens in chemical reactions.

“A team of researchers led by Professor Matt Costen from the Institute of Chemical Sciences (ICS), have successfully made one of the most insightful tests of molecular forces ever performed.”

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