Scientists have long been interested in our planetary neighbor Mars and whether there may be clues to how life evolves or could evolve, on the red planet. The NASA ship Perseverance is set to carry those hopes forward and into space this summer. The ship will go to Mars, specifically to gather core samples of carbonate rock from the Martian crater, Jezero. The rocks are largely available in the crater’s northern ridge. Although Martian surface conditions are hostile to life as we know it on Earth, data suggests that the interior may be better hydrated and far more conducive. The production of electricity, which is a universal need for life might occur under these conditions. And scientists are hoping to acquire proof via the collected samples.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Jezero Crater on Mars is the focal point of a special NASA mission.
  • The NASA ship, Perseverance, will undertake a journey there this summer, for rock collection.
  • Scientists hope to analyze the carbonate rocks that line the crater edge for signs of life.

“And if cells on Earth can harness electricity under such conditions, perhaps so can cells on Mars.”

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