The way sea creatures in general, and sea mammals in particular, communicate has been puzzling the scientific community for a long time. As we learn more about the communication between seals, dolphins, or whales, it becomes fascinatingly clear how complex it is. The new study captured ultrasonic waves emitted by seals and the findings point to capabilities similar to those of highly technologically advanced sonars. Recordings have shed the light on patterns that repeat consistently and which, we think, are part of the communication between the seals. As our science advances, we can only wonder what other things will we learn about sea-life.

Key Takeaways:

  • Weddell seals can function at a depth of 2,000 feet below the Antarctic ice.
  • These seals produce vocal sounds in the range of 20 to 50 kHz, incapable of being heard by humans.
  • It is unclear whether they use these sounds for echolocation, for communication, or for some other purpose.

“We, on the other hand, have about 30 minutes of bottom time before our hands get too cold to work. Then we make our way back to the dive line. Its flags and blinking lights guide us to our one and only way out.”

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