Bruce Lee, still a teenager, went sailing on the water with his martial arts teacher, Yip Man and tried to grasp the art of detachment, a key facet of gung fu. “I struck it but it did not suffer hurt. I then tried to grasp a handful of it but this proved impossible. This water, the softest substance in the world, which could be contained in the smallest jar, only seemed weak. In reality, it could penetrate the hardest substance in the world. That was it! I wanted to be like the nature of water.” When heated to the state of steam it is invisible but has enough power to split the earth itself.” It’s striking that water can illustrate and elucidate a martial arts philosophy while also being, to this day, the “least understood material on Earth”.

Key Takeaways:

  • Water has a number of unusual properties for a liquid, such as its high level of surface tension and its lower density in frozen form.
  • Chemist Richard Saykally claims that water’s anomalies have contributed to many fanciful theories about it over the years, from the Ancient Greeks to modern Homeopathy.
  • Saykally is creating a perfect water model, an accumulation of all information about water and laser spectroscopy, that will answer any questions we have about it.

“Since it’s these distinctive features among others that power our climate and ecosystems, water can appear to be “fine-tuned” for life.”

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