The existence of aliens has long been intriguing to our mankind. Religious dogmas aside, the notion that we are alone in the universe is easy to dismiss. If nothing else, at least once in our lives we all have had that feeling that someone is right behind us and watching our every move. Scientists have calculated that there are over 1,700 stars close to Earth that could have, at some point, observed our planet in the last five millennia. It is not far-fetched to imagine that someone out there observed the life on this planet.

Key Takeaways:

  • Exoplanets are usually found when the planet crosses in front of and temporarily dims, its star.
  • Only a certain number of stars have the right vantage point to spot the Earth’s transit of the Sun.
  • The James Webb Space Telescope will allow us to explore the atmospheres of close-by transiting planets.

“any nominal, curious aliens on planets circling one of the 1,715 stars could have spotted us”

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