Filippo Fraternali and his team have spotted a galaxy that is surrounded by very little dark matter. Other galaxies have been observed that appear to be the same way, and the thought was that nearby galaxies had pulled dark matter away. But Fraternali’s galaxy (known as AGC 114905) is isolated. Dark matter is thought to be what holds galaxies together, leaving the question as to what is happening with AGC 114905. There are several theories, but none seems to fit perfectly. Its possible data from the James Webb Space Telescope will help solve the riddle.

Key Takeaways:

  • Three years ago scientists discovered galaxies that did not look like they had dark matter.
  • We still do not know exactly why these galaxies are orbiting the darkness.
  • Some believe that a galaxy AGC 114905 is the culprit for all of this that we are seeing.

“Scientists resolved the problem by inferring the presence of some kind of dark matter, which doesn’t emit or reflect light and which must be making up the rest of the mass that’s holding the galaxy together.”

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