Molecular models have been essential teaching tools for chemistry, biology and crystallography for decades. Their predicted obsolescence due to computer modelling has proven unfounded as the importance of physical manipulation is reiterated.
Indigo® GlowBonds™ add a new dimension as seen by the 6 examples below.
Cellphone Stand w/ GlowBonds
We built this cell phone stand with parts in our most economical student organic chemistry model set. To make it both truly functional & practical, we substituted the regular bonds with our glow in the dark ones.

Glow in the dark molecular model cell phone stand. Find your phone for up to 6 hours after you turn the lights out…dark accommodated eyes required.
What could better than Luciferin to demonstrate bioluminscence? Its importance in genetic engineering alone earns it pride of place.
AlGaAs Semiconductor Teaching Tool
This is a revised version of our original Aluminum Gallium Arsenide semiconductor model. We replaced several clear bonds with our GlowBonds™ to highlight the p-n junctions.
Graphene-Chemistry or Costume?
Graphene has grown in importance as a versatile “new” material. We use our GlowBonds™ to highlight its remarkable electrical and physical properties. The standard kit builds a model that measures ~50x40cm or 20×16″.
The sheet can be reconfigured with a hole and “stitched” along the sides to be worn as “chain mail”. There is just enough material for a small child but multiple kits can be combined to make as large a “suit” as needed.
Convert it into a nanoribbon and it does double duty for cosplay. Star Trek Next Generation fans can use it as a Klingon bandolier known as a baldric.

This graphene sheet will glow for hours. Use it to illustrate resonance in organic chemistry or cover your costume with space age chain mail.
DNA in the Dark
This is the GlowBond™ version of our best teaching DNA model. Minor changes make it easier to build but it is still structurally accurate and the cost will be the same.

Glow in the dark 12 base pair DNA model. Expose to sunlight for just a few seconds and it will glow for hours.
GlowBowl Flask or Fruit Holder
This model consists of one partial buckyball sphere nested inside another. The inner is made with GlowBonds. Use it to hold a boiling flask decanter or as a fruit bowl.
Build Your Own
Most of all, we supply the full range of genuine Cochranes of Oxford Orbit atoms and 3 sizes of GlowBonds™. Buy these to build any custom model or modify any set or kit we supply. They’re guaranteed 100% compatible.